Asian Bridge 2023

🌉Asian Bridge 2023🌉 

《Committee Member》


▶︎Hikaru Yamaki 😎💙


▶︎Yuki Mizumura ☕️🤍


▶︎Kodai Miyazawa🍏💟


▶︎Sae Maeda🌺💛

▶︎Rui Aoyama🌸❤️

▶︎Sae Tanaka🌷🧡

(a.k.a Ohana畑)


▶︎Ryosei Kobayashi🐐💚

《Team Prize》

🌞Open Semi Finalist🌞

💐3rd Best Team Name💐

▶︎ アジ橋も叩いて歩けば怖くない (Taichi, Genki, Ryota)

《Breaking Adjudicator》 🌸Rui Aoyama🌸



今回は時間がたってしまったのですが、Asian Bridge(通称アジ橋)のブログを書いています。

個人的にはAsian styleの大会で3連続ブレイクできたので思い出深いです。やっぱり長いプレパ時間に救われています()






A: THW replace human judges with AI judges in all parliamentary debate tournaments.

B: THBT students should be able to choose their teachers.

C: THS tourism that involves visiting and observing impoverished urban areas (slum tourism).

GOV: 3,2,1



A: THBT states with aging population should opt for policies that increase immigration (e.g. more visas) rather than ones that encourage citizens to have more children (e.g. tax benefits).

B: THR the rise of celebrities and artists openly supporting politicians.

C: THW set consumption tax at rates in proportion to the environmental impacts of the goods (low tax for low-impact goods, high tax for high-impact goods).

GOV:1,2,3, コイントスの結果A

これも若葉杯で既出だったのでやりやすかったです。ちゃんとcomparativeを設定したうえで労働力が増えることを証明しました。久しぶりに2連勝ができてうれしい(GeminiのR1, 2以来)


A: THW ban combat sports

info of A: A combat sport is a competitive contact sport that usually involves one-on-one combat. In many combat sports, a contestant wins by submitting the opponent with a hold, disabling the opponent (knockout, KO), or attacking the opponent in a specific or designated technique.

B: THW abolish tax exemptions for religious organizations which discriminate against sexual minorities.

C: THS Neko Hodai

Info of C:Neko Hodai (ねこホーダイ) is a  subscription scheme in which paying users can adopt a cat from an animal shelter and return it when they can no longer take care of it.

GOV: 3,1,2




A: THW pardon members of militant groups who were recruited when they were children, in exchange for leaving the group.

B: THS the use of predictive algorithm in criminal court.

info of B: For the purpose of this debate, "predictive algorithm" is a tool that uses big data to predict the likelihood of second offense by the defendant. Judges can increase/decrease the extent of punishment (e.g. sentencing, bail, or whether to grant/deny parole) based on the predictions.

C: In the context of post ethnic/religious conflict area, THW financially incentivize interracial and interfaith marriage.

OPP: 1,2,3





A: THBT the LGBTIAQ+ movement should push the reinterpretation of religious texts rather than the narrative against religions.

info of A: One example of sexuality-affirming reinterpretation of religious texts is about the story of Sodom and Gomorra in Christianity. One conventional interpretation argues that this story censures homosexuality, while some activists push another interpretation that this story does not deny homosexuality, and it just criticizes inhospitality and the negative treatment of guests.

B: THBT oppressed indigenous minorities should embrace and promote inaccurate but positive myths or beliefs about their culture. (e.g. depicting aboriginal people in Australia as "friendly people with purely traditional cultural practices")

C: THBT international sports events should not be held in countries suspected of human rights violations.

GOV: 2,3,1

Bは差分が出しづらいという理由でvetoしたと思います(たぶん)。結局Aになったのですが、プレパ中に”reinterpretation of religious texts”って何やねん論争がチーム内で勃発していて、今大会で一番ひやひやしていました(後でRyoseiさんからわりといいスピーチ/試合だったねと褒められはしましたが)。

Comparativeが設定されているのはやっぱりやりやすいですね。reinterpretation>narrative against religions、という方程式を示せばいいわけで、コンサバな人々が怒るから、longtermで良くなるのはGOV側、という一本筋で通しました。



A: THO the narrative that romantic feelings/relationships are valuable. 

B: THR the glorification of soldiers as heroes. 

C: THR the prevalence of battlefield metaphors in describing the conditions of individuals with chronic diseases (e.g. “cancer survivor”, “fighting leukemia” and “losing the battle against Alzheimer's disease”)

OPP: 3,2,1








一橋大学国際部Debate Sectionは株式会社リソー教育様と協賛契約を結んでいます。
